Friday, July 25, 2008

Accepted Position With Sprint In Reston, Virginia

Yesterday I received an offer for a position with Sprint in Reston, Virginia working in the Cisco router MPLS network implementations group which I accepted.

Start date is Septemer 2, 2008.


Anonymous said...

Good luck there buddy! I have a buddy in Orange Rio and I work for Cisco, starting to read your blog now! Let's see if it's really good!


Doug Kenline said...

I've never heard of Orange Rio. Thanks for the comments.

Doug Kenline said...

Ok I figured it out. Orange Business Services in Rio De Jenero. 10-4.

Brad Geiger said...

Good luck to you, Doug. Saw you many times at Robert's second Saturday meetings in Norcross.

Doug Kenline said...

Thanks my friend. Same to you.