Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Cat 3550: SMI or EMI Image?

I am having a hard time trying to figure what code I should be running…I got a 3550 to play with. The blueprint says 12.2 IP Services, but on cisco.com you cannot download any 12.2 IP services IOS images that are EMI. The latest EMI I can pull is 12.1(22) (c3550-i5k2l2q3-mz.121-22.EA10b.bin).



Kaj said...

Applies to workgroup cats with 12.2:

12.1EA/etc. | 12.2S/SE/etc.
EI = LAN Base
SMI = IP Base
EMI = IP Services
AIS = Advanced IP Services


Doug Kenline said...

thanks kaj......dk